Friday, October 06, 2006

The power of using your home.

A mortgage is simply a tool. Nothing else. Too many people fear the "big, bad mortgage debt" for reasons that they may not even understand.

Something that comes up in almost every closing that I do is "so what would it take to pay this thing off early?" This is socializing at work. We are taught that we must pay this mortgage off as fast as we can.

While a debt free life is enviable, for must of us, it is not realistic, at least not for people like me in their 30's. Therefore, the question becomes, how do we approach this?

I think that instead of throwing extra money at the mortgage lender, set that money to the side. I will expand more on this as time moves on, but the power of this very evident. Setting it to the side gives you liquidity, safety and a rate of return. Dave Savage shows that even the Chicago Fed believes in this strategy.


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